360 Admin: Project Dashboard

This article reviews the 360 project dashboard information and editing functions.

After successfully launching a 360 project, the administrator will be taken to the new 360 Project dashboard page, like the one below. On the project dashboard page, you will be able to edit any of the general project information such as title, description and project due date. 


Edit general project information:

Click on the pencil icon at the top of the page next to Project Information. Make any changes you need in the pop up window that appears and click the Save button.


Sending Reminder Emails:

In the upper right side of the Project Dashboard page there is a green button labeled Remind All Incomplete. 


This button allows the administrator to send a reminder email to everyone in the project that has not completed their survey.


In the pop-up window that appears the project administrator can edit several reminder email settings prior to sending the bulk email. 

Subject: The reminder subject line is pre-populated with the word Reminder: followed by the name of the project. You can edit this subject by clicking in the text field and editing the text.

Send Test: The Send Test button allows the administrator to send a test email to themselves. This is helpful to preview the subject, email text and styles that were selected prior to sending to the group.

Reminder Body Copy: The reminder email is pre-populated with general reminder email text that includes a call to action, project status, survey link and email keywords and basic information about the project. 

Note: Reminder emails must include keywords for the Survey Link and Email. This enables the system to create a personalized survey link for each rater. 


When all of your reminder email settings are complete, click the Send button to send the reminder emails to everyone that has not completed the survey. 


In the next article we will review the three main tabs in the Project Dashboard: Roster, Reports, and Admin in detail.

Continue to: 360 Admin: Project Dashboard - Roster Tab